Mobile Notarization Services By Appointment, Where You Choose

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Loan Docs
And More...

Notary Pricing
$15.00 per notary signature on Jurats & Acknowledgments
Traveling Fee $50.00 up to 16 miles
Over 16 miles, please contact me for a special quote.
Loaning Signing Service $110.00 to $250.00
Hospitals & Jails $70.00 with $15 per signature and traveling fee
Document printing and mailing fees may apply
We’re open on holidays. Additional rates may apply
After 9 p.m. please call for a special quote.
Credit card charge $4.00
Revocable Living Trust
Amendment to Revocable Trust
Transfer Deeds to transfer real estate
Any document to be recorded
Sworn Statement
Parental Consent for Travel
Grant Deed/Quitclaim Deed
Interspousal Transfer Deed
Power of Attorney for Health Care
Advance Health Care Directive
Student Enrollment Verification
Resignation of Trustee
Bill of Sale
Purchase Agreement
Marital Settlement Agreement
Pre-nuptial Agreement
Post-nuptial Agreement